пʼятниця, 8 червня 2012 р.

The “Party of Regions” will spend US$ 50 million from the State budget on their agitators.

The Civic Movement “Spilna Sprava” (“The Common Cause”) that maintains independent monitoring of the pre-election situation in Ukraine, has obtained a copy of the letter signed by the Vice-Prime Minister Serhiy Tigipko, addressed to the Regional State Administrations.

The Document explains a targeted subsidy to be directed to the local budgets in order to attract additional 12.000 temporary social workers to the social services’ structures as from June, 1. The main job of the newcomers is “to provide social services to the most susceptible categories of the population”.

According to the information that “Spilna Sprava” has obtained from its source in the Cabinet of Ministers, in such a way the “Party of Regions” is planning to pay for work of its agitators who will work “door-to- door”. This can be understood based on the period of employment of the temporary workers, and on the fact that they will NOT get a status of the Government employees.

The project will be financed from the State budget in the amount of UAH 400 million (US $ 50 million).

As we had previously informed, in the Poltava Region, at the Election District #149 where one of the candidates, Oleg Leliuk, is the Head of the State Agency of Reserves of Ukraine (and also the Head of the Poltava Regional organization of the ”Party of Regions”), there were observed cases of distribution to voters of the bags with bread flour, marked with the official stamp of the “State Agency of Reserves”.

Press Service of the Civic Movement “Spilna Sprava” (“The Common Cause”)

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